Friday, January 22, 2010

New Chair Make-Do Display

I have so much to share with you guys, I'm not sure where to start?! I am so wound up about all the goodies I saw yesterday and all the fun I had yesterday with Patti, Teresa, and Michelle at the Valley Forge show! I will share some of those goodies with you on my next post, but I wanted you to see this "chair make do" display that I arranged here in my living room. I'm not sure if it will stay there or not, but I thought I would share it with you anyway...

What do you think....does it need something yet? I need something primtastic to sit on that chair yet for sure~! ;)
I thought I would also share a picture or two of my finished boxes from the other day. I made these for in my son's room. For the longest time I couldn't ever get or find these large boxes to prim up, but I finally just found a place through my husbands job?!! I quickly ordered them and couldn't wait to paint em!

Ok folks....have a great weekend! :)


  1. I love the chair, it is so cute!!! I'm happy you had a great time!!! I miss ya!

  2. I can't get over how nice your chair looks!!! I like your boxes! If you ever need more let me know and I can give you my source for many different sizes!

  3. Love the chair!!!

    You did a great job on the boxes!!!!


  4. LOVE THE CHAIR ....Love the everything!!....I am in a very LOVABLE mood today..must have been from all the fun we had yesterday!

  5. Forgot to mention that I LOVE the new look of your blog...cute!

  6. I would throw an old quilt over the chair and put a pillow and a doll in the baskets too..>:)

  7. Hi Tarrah.....I just found your blog. Love that chair and you did a great job on the boxes.
    Reading back about your post on the wool.....
    oh, my........I would love to go there. Do they have an Internet site where they sell too?
    I can never find the right kind of wool that I need.

  8. Hey Tarrah!!! Are you ready to go back to Valley Forge... February 6... it is a Saturday and we would need to leave earlier in the morning! Here is the link to see the vendors...
