Monday, January 4, 2010

For the times....they are a changing...

With the new year already 4 days in, we all know how quickly time goes by and how quickly things can change. There are many changes happening here at the Miller house and I must admit that most of them are a little scary, intimidating, and uncertain, but I am reminded that God is faithful and we may not see the path in front of us, but it is he who holds the lamp that guides our footsteps on that new path. I didn't make any resolutions for the new year, but I have tried to set some new personal goals for myself for 2010. It does sound better than resolutions doesn't it?
So, now that all my Christmas decorations are down, the house seems a lot less cluttered (and bare too!) :) I have lots and lots of projects and crafts that I hope to tackle during these cold and chilly winter months that are ahead of us and I will share those with you along the way...I also have some great recipes to post for you too, and in the upcoming month, I plan on having my very first giveaway to show my gratitude for all of you! I have gotten to know some great blogging friends along the way and you guys have always been so generous in sharing tips, recipes, and craft ideas with me, so it is my turn to pay it forward. So, stay tuned for the meantime, stay warm and HAPPY NEW YEAR FRIENDS!

1 comment:

  1. Tarrah,
    Looking forward to your craft projects & recipes. Have a joyous New Year!
