that is what I've been up to....nothing exciting, but just this and that. :) And in between this and that, I've been a little under the weather. It seems that the cold season finally caught up with all of us here at the Millers. It had me laid up for an entire day, but I am slowly getting my feet back on the ground.
During my time on the couch, it got the wheels spinning once again, and yesterday morning I pulled out some wool, my sewing machine, more wool, and a few needles and thread! Time to get crafting again and getting things ready for spring.
I've also been working on our basement....'member I was talking about using my barnwood cabinet down there? Well, I decided NOT to use it down there. I do like it where it's at, and I have it chock full of antique pottery, and like my good friend Pearl suggested...."do you really want it down there where the kids will run around and plus no one would see it down there as much." So, it stayed there and now I will constantly be on the hunt for exciting new flea market finds and tag sale treasures. (thank you Miss Becky) ;)
I did happen to find an interesting piece to house all our tv gadgets,games, and remotes....will share that with you all soon.
BUT, I will share some NASTY, NASTY pictures of what it looked like before we got carpet and repainted.
Please DO NOT leave after you've seen this horrendous picture....I promise, it will get better.

YIKES!!! EWWWW!!!! I know, I know......let me explain....
The floors are dark red because they have a dry-lock sealer on the cement and it was colored that awful color of red. The walls were actually a nice spice color with khaki trim color, but it was way too dark for this area that gets very little natural light.
Now, I promise to show some updated basement pictures....but I can't at this moment. I don't really have any good pics yet, and it is still a work in progress. Currently we are getting some tile laid at our door!!! YAY!!! So excited for that step to be done so we can move on to the next step. Ah, who am I kidding...I just can't wait to decorate! I have done a little, I just couldn't hold back! ;)
It is going to be a different look compared to the rest of my won't be near as prim but it will be vintage! Lots of white, chippy pieces mixed with old wood, a little girlie/romantic flare, but still comforting/cozzy and a place that we created together....sooo much fun to hunt and find! I'll be sharing some pics that have given me my inspiration soon too! Stay tuned....
Now, time to make some's just what the doc ordered! :) What are you doing today?
Hi Tarrah, You sound like you've been up to what we've been up to at the Frank house - nothing & ill. My kids are never sick and this year I'm being paid back for all the times I've said "my kids are never sick". I'm home with the youngest one today, at 10 he's too little to stay home by himself. Glad you are feeling better and I can't wait to see your progress on the basement. ~Ann