Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the day before Christmas, and I was scurrying like mad....
double checking the presents, to see what gifts for my husband I had.

The stockings were hung by our chimney with care,
in hopes that when I filled them none would seem bare.

Cookies to be baked yet, gifts to be wrapped,
Traditions to be done, but will there be time for a nap?

Lots to be cleaned for the company arriving,
So much to do and I'm barely surviving!

"But what matters most?" I heard him say.
Isn't it not, MY BIG DAY?

You get your birthday, and your anniversary too.
When will you say, "This day is just for you!"

They came to see me many years ago, and honor my name.
Emmanuel is here! They shouted and proclaimed.

The day has become commercial and unrelative to me,
Will someone help the others truely see?

It's not about presents, the goose and cookies on the table,
It's about a true gift that will ALWAYS BE UNMEASURABLE!

I came to this earth for only one reason...
It's so you could be with me some day forever in HEAVEN!

Merry Christmas my friends.

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