...yep, spread more mulch!
Our spring flowers are so nice right now, different colors abound everywhere you look, our lilacs are just about ready for cutting....YEAH...I LOVE LILACS! :)
This weekend was busy, but it was a fun busy....running the kids around to various practices and events, getting some shopping done, and then crafting....but you'll have to wait until later in the week to see what I was all crafting! ;)
Actually, I do have one thing to show you that I made this weekend....
What do you think?......I really like the look of it....it is that rougher, hammered jewelry type look...that kind of like the Silpada look?!
I heart silpada....but if you know that name, you also know that price....well, I made this piece but I had my Mom believing it was Silpada...LOL!!
Well, I guess I better go finish my cup of 8 o'clock, and catch up on some blogs, and then get to work! ;) Boy, do I have my priorities right or what?!!! LOL! Have a great day!
Oh I am so jealous of your lilacs! Really wish we had flowers blooming around here, but it's too soon.