So, as I stated in my last post, I found a little time to do some creating last week. Actually, my husband has also been doing his share of creating....but that will come in the next post! ;)
As you know, I have been taking the ecourse; Creatively Made. This class has been wonderful for me! It is such an inspirational class, hosted by a wonderful, inspirational woman. I will be sad when it is over.

Our very first project was making journals. Does anyone out there still journal? Are you a jotter, a note taker, a list maker?! I am all of the above,except journaling. But, my goal is to be better with that, and I made this to help me tackle that!

It is filled with vintage papers, a watercolor painted for me by my husband in like a minute, old hymnal pages,an old cookbook page, vintage postcards, sepia toned pictures, and even old ledger papersand checks!

Love the feeling of a collection of papers and textures. It inspires the soul! :)

I love how it got and it really did help inspire me and got me excited about journaling more. And let me tell ya, Jeanne from Creatively Made certainly gave me a lot to think and journal about!

Put your words in print, and let them last forever....