A little over 2 weeks ago already, my family got to take a vacation up north. We packed our bags and we set out for the open road for a very highly anticipated trip to one of our most favorite parts of the country. Our first state stop would be New Hampshire.
We stayed with family and we had the most wonderful, relaxing time. It was just some well needed down time of catching up with each other, constantly eating and being poolside for almost the entire time we stayed there.

Ahhh, this was the life! :)

*mmmmmmm, lobstah! ;)
We were there over the 4th of July and we took in a small hometown parade that sure did showcase it's New England American heritage.

It was a beautiful parade full of really beautiful oldies....

nice set of wheels! :)

*and check out this girls pink tractor....LOVE IT!

After our stay there in New Hampshire ended, my family drove farther north...Heading in the direction of MAINE! Oh, I how thee Maine! We didn't have a real long time to spend there, but we made every second count while being there.

*had to have some yummy Maine blueberry ice cream!
I did some shopping...

*this is the main headquarters for the Stonewall Kitchen store....loved the grounds!

We of course had some beach time along the coast in Ogunquit.

*my cutie pies posing

And then headed even farther north and up the coast to Kennebunkport.

BEAUTIFUL, isn't it?!

We drove up the coast and went to check out George W. Bush's compound. Soooo beautiful.

*here, let me get you a little closer...

*in case we decided to get too close! ;)

Can you imagine living here?

The next leg of the trip is in part 2...which is FULL of prim eye candy...you don't want to miss it!