Wow, some time has passed! I haven't been around the computer much lately, but as I was cleaning up this morning, my mind started to pretty much think of what I was to type for this blog post. Maybe it was the un-decorating that I was doing? The Easter decor got packed up and put away till next season, and the house took on a little simplistic normalcy again.

So, the blankets are out on the wash line, the windows are open for the second day in a row, and it finally is feeling like a very nice, warm spring. Yay!!!!! The flowers are pushing like mad and I'm getting very anxious to fill up my urns with beautiful flowers, sit on the porch with some iced tea, and smell the freshly mown grass.....ahhhh, it's amazing what some sunshine and some warm weather will do for ya!
So, with that said, I plan to enjoy these nice warm spring like days and try to get some major yard work done, enjoy baseball and softball games with my family, and enjoy my time with those I love.

I will certainly be back, but I see a very busy spring/summer ahead, so I'll post as time allows.