I love making to-do lists, and I wish that I could tell you that they get completely done and everything gets crossed off by the end of the day, but it just doesn't work out that way. Oh well.
Well, here is my to-do for to-day!
1. Make applesauce! YAY!!! Lets hear it for apple season! :) This is surely a sign that fall is arriving!
2. Work on my 3rd piece of bedroom furniture (painting re-do)...will share a little on that later.
3. Get more yard sale stuff together. Yep, we are having a "get rid of it" yard sale this weekend!
4. Shred and freeze the last zuchinni I have here.
5. Do atleast 1 load of laundry!
Ok, so thats not too bad, right? I can handle that....no problem. As long as I don't get too distracted! LOL
Well, yesterday I was able to get a lot done for their first day back at school..... take a peek....
made a few wax pumpkins since I wasn't able to really start decorating for fall.
taking these 2 pieces of very drab furniture and working on them by sanding, painting, more painting, sanding, staining...
not done yet, but I can't show you the final result...it will ruin the bedroom redo surprise!
And believe it or not, that took up most of my day! I got a few other odds and ends done, but nothing exciting. I'm still itching to get out all the fall decorations but it will have to wait until next week after the yard sale stuff is out of here and gone for good! :)
Tell me....what are you doing TO-DAY?!