Yes sir, yes sir....MORE THAN 3 BAGS FULL!
Check out all this beautiful, glorious, wonderful WOOL!!!!!

My road trip to Collegeville was a successful trip as anticipated! Amy and I hit the road together at 8:40 am, and what should have been a 2 hour drive turned into an almost 4 hour drive after coming into a major traffic jam/highway shutdown....but we made it there and home safe and sound....thank goodness! :)
We could have taken all the wool with us, but we settled for approximately 30 yards of wool for each of us....WOW...ALMOST 60 YARDS OF WOOL TOTAL???!!!! Are we crazy or what?! LOL!
Now I really have to get busy crafting with all this new wool!

This is the stack that Amy and I composed of all the wool we, we didn't take it all....just a few yards of each!

Here is Amy with Loretta, our lovely hostess!

Here I am with happy for all my new wool!
I see penny rugs, braided rugs, hooked rugs in store....
one of my favorite addictions...WOOL...I need MORE, MORE, MORE!! LOL!!! Have a great weekend everyone!