This post is my longest ever and has quite a few pictures. So sit down with a hot cup of Joe and get comfy....
Today, I had a box waiting for me at the post office! Don't you love those days, when you finally get that package you've been waiting for! :) I got my package from my fall swap partner, Anne. So, here it is wrapped up out of the box....

........and here is what was all wrapped up! An awesone primitive black pillow coverlet, a crow, 5 pumpkins, and some prim candles. Thanks Anne! I love it all!

So, this weekend I did get some more decorating done, and I think I am about done other than getting my loads of pumpkins, gourds, mums and hay bales....I am going to wait about another week to get that stuff finally done, but I would say the inside is about ready. I was waiting on one thing, and that was the "de-leafing" of bittersweet. I got a bundle in late last week and I got it all deleafed over the weekend and put up here and there. We actually cut more, but I only took a picture of our first pile....

I also picked a big bunch of these beautiful wild sunflowers we have growing wild all over our pretty!

I also got a small black twig tree over the weekend, I wrapped some orange lights on it and now I have to put on a few more white star ornaments that I am waiting for. The white star ornaments are made by my husband....they're made of pottery of course! :) You can't see the ornaments on the picture with the tree lights on, so I have a seperate picture of the ornies.

Now, do you want to see what else I made over the weekend...whew...I didn't think I got all this stuff done, but wow...I did! This was just a plain white, cardboard box that I got and primmed up....thought it turned out pretty good though.

And finally, for those of you who were waiting to see what I sent Anne, my fall swap partner.......

In it was a small piece of B's pottery, a little prim candy corn that I bought from Patti at The Brickhouse Craft Shop, a prim box, some recipe cards with some of my favorite fall recipes and some plain ones, a wax pumpkin..... orange knitted dish cloth, a crow plate, and I forgot to take a picture of a large mason jar frog in a wire basket. I had such fun...I hope she enjoyed her goodies....I sure enjoy mine from Anne!
Well, I guess that about wraps it up for now....hope you all are starting off with a great week!